Residential Life Medical Accommodations

Welcome to the Residential Life Medical Accommodations website! This process is for Residential Students who live on-campus and are in need of a Medical Accommodation and/or an Emotional Support Animal. The Residential Life process does not encompass any academic accommodations.  This site was created with our students’ well-being in mind and with the purpose of transparency as the university is committed to providing a healthy, inclusive and safe environment that supports the growth and development of all students.

How to Request a Medical Accommodation and/or an Emotional Support Animal


To apply for a Medical Accommodation and/or Emotional Support Animal, students should work with their medical providers to complete the documentation included in the form below. Emotional Support Animals require additional paperwork, such as vet records, roommate agreements, and Emergency Contacts.

Medical Accommodations

All requests are reviewed on a rolling basis during weekly committee meetings.

To apply for a Residential Life Medical Accommodation, documentation must be filled out by a licensed medical processional and provided to the JU student. The student should submit the documentation and any other pertinent information directly to Residential Life through the Medical Accommodation submission portal found above.

The form needs to be completed in its entirety. All requests for Residential Life Medical Accommodations are reviewed by a Professional staff committee. Residential Life reserves the right to request updated information, deny incomplete documentation, and conduct a yearly accommodation renewal process.

The student will receive confirmation of received documents from the Residential Life Office initiating the Accommodation Review Process. 

Reasons for rejection:

  • Lacking documentation to support request for accommodation
  • Student's current placement or living arrangement fulfills Medical Provider's Recommendation
  • Student did not fully participate in the Accommodation requests process

When Accommodations are approved:

  • Students will receive an email to their JU email address with the offered accommodation within 7-10 business days of receipt of request. (Timeline subject to change during busy seasons)

Examples of Accommodations:

  • ADA-compliant bathroom
  • Semi-private bathroom or a bedroom in close proximity to a bathroom
  • Private bedroom
  • Private bedroom with private bathroom
  • Placement with preferred roommate
  • Ground floor or first floor room
  • Residence hall with a dining service option within the same building or in proximity
  • Relocation to a different resident hall in order to fulfill a need
  • (1)- Emotional Support Animal (ESA- see section below)

The accommodations are not limited to the above mentioned and if you have any specific questions regarding any housing accommodation, we encourage you to contact us at


Emotional Support Animals (ESAs)

Emotional Support Animals (ESAs)- Requests for the Academic Year are OPEN

The Office of Residential Life reviews all Emotional Support Animal or ESA applications. Any ESA questions can be directed to Residential Life at

Please keep in mind: Any approval covers 1-animal per student if the animal changes for any reason, the student needs to start the approval process again with a new submission. Any unapproved animal on campus will result in Student Conduct involvement. ESAs must be approved before animal is brought to campus. Animals brought to campus prior to ESA approval may result in a denial of the application. ESA applications are reviewed on a weekly basis.

Before submitting an application, please review the Residential Life ESA Policies. If approved, students will review and sign with their building coordinator. 

Any animal that is referenced in the ESA packet must be AT LEAST 9 months at the time of the request.

If a student was approved for an ESA in the previous year, they will need to participate in the renewal process managed by Residential Life starting in June 2025. Email for more information! 


Starting May 1st: Students will be given a housing assignment if they meet the requirements to live on campus and do not have a completed Fall 2025/Spring 2026 housing application.

On or After May 15th, all continuing students with an assignment that cancel their reservation will be assessed a cancellation fee of $200.

The cancellation timeline applies to: 

  • Continuing Students with a housing assignment
  • Students seeking a Residency Exemption Approval after the cancellation deadline
  • Students seeking to transfer and cancel after the deadline
  • Students who've met the live-on requirement seeking to cancel their assignment after the deadline 


All forms needed for either accommodation processes are included and outlined in the form below! 

Medical Accommodation Portal